Local Info

Parbold Parish Council Notes

Clerk: E:parboldpc.clerk@yahoo.com

Current Council Members (Feb 2019): Cllr Brian Arnold (Chairman), Cllr Charles Bithell (Vice Chairman), Cllr May Blake, Cllr Denise Butts, Cllr Sarah Carruthers, Cllr Ellis Gill, Cllr Susan Holland, Cllr Tony Schaffel, Cllr Justin Stopford, Cllr Robert Long.

The Parish Council have a website www.parbold-pc.gov.uk/ where agenda, minutes and general information can be seen.

Contact by e-mail: clerk@parbold-pc.gov.uk

Parish Council Notes - April 2025

Contact by e-mail: clerk@parbold-pc.gov.uk

Once again Parbold will be entered into the Lancashire Best Kept Village competition and it is hoped that this community can build on previous successes and showcase Parbold at its very best. Last year the judges were impressed with the facilities and condition of the village and even noted an improvement in the amount of litter and weeds which have lost Parbold marks in the past. Please help to keep the village looking lovely through the judging period in June and July.

Parking within Parbold is a perennial problem and concerns have recently been raised to the Parish Council about parking in a number of areas within the village. Vehicles are being parked on the road and pavement at the top of Broadmead, near to the junction with Station Road, presumably to visit the shops. In a number of cases access to resident’s driveways have been blocked. It is asked that people park considerately and use the designated car parks wherever possible. Another concern is Lancaster Lane, where vehicles are being parked on the pavement, blocking access for pedestrians, particularly pushchair users. Responsible parking will negate the need to consider more double yellow lines being introduced.

As spring arrives and the nesting season is imminent, now is a good time to ensure that hedges and shrubs are cut back sufficiently so that they will not encroach on public pavements.

The Parish Council will continue to hold the respective agencies to account with regard to flooding issues in the village and still wish to hear from residents having ongoing problems.

Parish Council Notes - March 2025

Contact by e-mail: clerk@parbold-pc.gov.uk

Parbold Parish Council Chairman Cllr Arnold met again with Borough Councillors Katie Juckes, David Whittington and

Ashley Dalton MP to walk Ms Dalton through the affected flooding areas and show her the extent of the issue. There will be a drop in event at Ormskirk Civic Hall on Thursday 6th March between 3.30pm and 7.30pm in support of people who have experienced flooding to their homes, businesses or land, or are concerned about it. Plans are also afoot to hold a meeting in Parbold on the morning of 6th, to discuss the flooding issues relating just to Parbold.

The existing Parbold Parish Maps frame situated on the bridge on Mill Lane had rusted and the contents were water

damaged and difficult to read. Both the frame and poster have now been replaced, so that walkers and visitors can easily view all the footpaths around Parbold and enjoy the village and surrounding countryside.

Councillors have recently been pushing for the completion of the tow path renovation between the Alder Lane and Mill Lane bridges. Work is now underway and should greatly improve this well used section of the tow path.

Parbold Parish Council Notes – Feb 2025

Contact by e-mail: clerk(5)parbold-pc.gov.uk

Parish Councillors met with Borough Councillors Katie Juckes, David Whittington and LCC’s Principal Flood Risk Officer to visit addresses in Parbold that had been affected by recent flooding. It was beneficial to discuss the issues with the residents face to face to view the significant damage to properties and permanent solutions to the issues are being actively sought.

The Parish Council were pleased to provide the Christmas tree and village hall lights this year and would like to thank Keith Rudd and the volunteers who kindly installed and removed the tree on behalf of the Council.

The Parish Council regularly receive concerns from residents over issues such as dog fouling, speeding vehicles or inconsiderate parking. The below links make it simpler to report and this allows targeted action by the appropriate authority:

Road Safety - Speed Concern - Lancashire Road Safety Partnership

Dog Fouling - Dog fouling - West Lancashire Borough Council

Nuisance motorbikes - LANCASHIRE POLICE - Lancashire Constabulary

Parking - Report a parking problem - Lancashire County Council

Litter - Litter - West Lancashire Borough Council

Parbold Parish Council Notes – Dec. 2024 and Jan 2025

Contact by e-mail: clerk@parbold-pc.gov.uk

There were some lovely comments from the judges of this year’s Best Kept Village competition this year. In particular, the Jubilee Gardens were described as tranquil and beautiful and were awarded 5th place in the Public Gardens section. The judges thought that the choice of shrubs and plants is lovely and it created a little haven for villagers to sit and reflect upon their good fortune to live in Parbold. Also, Our Lady and All Saints church has been highly commended for being one of the best maintained church and grounds that the judges have ever visited. The judges thought that huge credit should go to the grounds staff for creating such a village gem. At this time of year roadside gullies can become full of falling leaves and this can lead to blocked drains and flooding. Please can care be taken when sweeping driveways clear of leaves that they don’t end up in the gullies but rather be collected up instead.

The Parish Council would like to wish you all a safe and very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Parbold Parish Council Notes – November 2024

Contact by e-mail: clerk@parbold-pc.gov.uk

The Parish Council are pleased to support the upcoming community events to commemorate Remembrance Day and later to celebrate the festive season. The Council will once again provide the village Christmas tree and decorations.

There has been some concern over the amount of irresponsible parking recently within the village. Complaints have been received by the Parish Council about parking close to the proximity of road junctions which makes it difficult for other road users to negotiate the junction. Also, vehicles inconsiderately parked on the pavement in the area of the shops cause pedestrians to walk around them into the road, which is potentially dangerous. This will be raised with the local policing team to help reduce the risk of incidents causing damage or injury.

Councillors will be meeting with representatives from United Utilities shortly as part of the agreed stakeholder plan, to receive an update on the situation at the Hoscar waste treatment works and raise any issues on behalf of local residents. If you have any questions or concerns that you would like raising at this meeting please contact the Parish Clerk on 07500 557347 or clerk@parbold-pc.aov.uk

Parbold Parish Council Notes - October 2024

Contact by e-mail: parboldpc.clerk@yahoo.com

As we approach autumn falling leaves can cause a problem on roads and pavements. Leaves blown out of properties can block drains and road gullys, which can lead to flooding issues. Don’t forget that you can report any such issues directly to LCC via the Love Clean Streets App or on the website, along with other problems like pot holes and pavement obstructions.

After a successful grant bid to Sport England in association with Shevington Sharks RFC, work has started on improving the rugby pitch on Alder Lane. This six year programme includes scarifying the ground to prepare it for fertilising and over seeding and the Parish Council asks that care be taken to protect this area whilst these improvement works are ongoing.

The Parish Council are still actively pursuing the issue of flooding in the underpass. After initial investigation of the cause of flooding, further progress is required to ensure that this area drains freely and this involves groundworks in areas of private property where the drains flow from the underpass. The Parish Council will continue to push for completion of this work.

Parbold Parish Council Notes - September 2024

Contact by e-mail: parboldpc.clerk@yahoo.com

The Parish Council care for a small area on The Common, in front of The Heys and are requesting help from anyone who enjoys gardening to help maintain this plot. It would require some weeding and occasional watering, plus planting if anyone has spare suitable plants at home. Any help to look after this area will be very welcome, if you would like to be involved please contact the Parish Clerk on 07500 557347 or clerk@parbold-pc.gov.uk.

Work has completed on the renovation of the path around Chapel Meadow. This has been delayed for a number of months due to the wet weather, as under those conditions the works would have caused a great deal of damage to the path and surrounding areas. It is hoped that the path will now be much easier to navigate for visitors to the meadow, and particularly for those who use mobility aids. However, please note that further works will begin on the meadow this autumn, as part of an ongoing programme of woodland management and improvement.

The Parish Council secured a grant to replace the seesaw on Burnside play area. A traditional style was chosen as the existing seesaw appeared to be a popular choice and the new one is now in place for children to enjoy.

Parbold Parish Council Notes - July and August 2024

Contact by e-mail: parboldpc.clerk@yahoo.com

It is the time of year when judges start to wander around Parbold, assessing the village as part of the 2024 Lancashire Best Kept Village competition. In the past we have had so many very lovely comments about our village, but also every year the same issues are raised – litter and weeds. The Parish Council would be very grateful if everyone could do their bit to keep the roadsides, car parks and pedestrian areas clear of litter, and if businesses could ensure that their frontages are weed free. Even more important is the prevention of dog fouling in these areas, as complaints have been received about this problem from local shopkeepers. Lets have our village looking its best this June and July!

The Parish Council are continuing to query with the Borough Council and the Canal and Rivers Trust to establish what is happening with the final stretch of canal towpath between the Alder Lane and Mill Lane bridges. It is appreciated that this is a concern for many of you and the Parish Council will endeavour to push for its completion. Likewise, the situation with the railway underpass is still being progressed with Network Rail, with grateful help from members of OPSTA (Ormskirk, Preston and Southport Travellers Association).

Parbold Parish Council Notes - June 2024

Contact by e-mail: parboldpc.clerk@yahoo.com

The Parish Council are pleased to partner with Shevington Sharks RFC to apply for a grant to upgrade the pitch at Alder Lane. This grant would provide a 6 year plan to improve the ground through decompaction and drainage, weed treatment and over-seeding to make it more resistant to damage and easier to maintain.

Please can you help the clubs that use the pitches to ensure that you clear up after your dog, there have been recent instances of junior players stepping in dog excrement during play, which as you can imagine is extremely unpleasant. This is a perennial request but does carry a fine for non-compliance.

The footpath map outside the Mill on Mill Lane has suffered water damage and will be replaced shortly with a newer version on a vinyl based paper that will be less affected by condensation. This map is very useful for residents and visitors alike who enjoy the many footpaths around the village.

The seesaw on the Burnside play area will shortly be replaced with a newer version, as it is a popular piece of equipment and has become quite worn. This will be funded by a grant from West Lancashire Borough Council.

Parbold Parish Council Notes May 2024

Contact by e-mail: parboldpc.clerk@yahoo.com 

Work has completed on the installation of additional solar panels on the village hall roof. The Parish Council are pleased to partner with the Parbold Community Association in this project, which aims to be more energy and cost efficient.

The Parish Council will be entering the Best Kept Village competition again this year, there were some lovely comments from Judges last year which is encouraging. However, the perennial problems of weeds and litter let the village down and it would be a huge help if these issues could be kept to a minimum this summer.

There are now recycling bins situated on the Bramble Way car park. These have been provided by WLBC and it is hoped that these will prove useful to village residents.

It is gratifying to see that local groups are already benefitting from the Legacy fund provided by the Convent development programme. There has been a lot of interest and hopefully there will be more successful applications.

Finally, investigations are still continuing into the cause of flooding in the underpass. The Parish Council are liaising with Network Rail to gain access to their land to clear the drains.

Parbold Parish Council Notes – April 2024

Contact by e-mail: parboldpc.clerk@yahoo.com 

There has been significant interest in the legacy fund managed by P J Livesey company (the Convent development contractors) by local community groups and schools. This fund offers grants to promote and enhance green spaces within a 5 mile radius of the Convent development and it is very much hoped that our village will benefit from this legacy.

The Parish Council are actively working with Network Rail and Northern Rail to investigate the root cause of the flooding in the underpass. It is possible that a collapsed drain some distance from the underpass is causing surface water to back up and work is underway to identify the location and make repairs.

Work will begin shortly to replace the fence that runs alongside the path to Chapel Meadow from Bramble Way car park. This is to improve safety at the points where the canal bank runs close to the path. The path around the meadow will also be renovated now that the weather is improving.

The Parish Council are now offering their 3 year landscape and grounds maintenance contract for tender and would welcome interest from local businesses. Please contact The Parish Clerk Beth Joule on clerk@parbold-pc.gov.uk for further details.

CVS Funding Advice Service 

Our Funding Officer, Vicky Attwood can work with your group – to talk through your project ideas, help you get your paperwork in order (governing documents, policies etc), do a bespoke funding search for your group on our extensive database, and guide you through the application process. Contact Vicky by emailing vicky@wlcvs.org or phone 07598 552 949.

Address: Skelmersdale Ecumenical Centre Northway, Birch Green, Skelmersdale WN8 6PN Phone: 01695 733737 Website: https://www.wlcvs.org/

Parbold Hill update from the Stop Parbold Hill Landfill Group 18 May 2022

Following the County Council deciding in favour of the planning application for tipping, the Stop Parbold Hill Landfill Group, with the help of most gratefully received funding from the community, obtained a barrister’s opinion challenging the process and the decision. As a result the County immediately halted the process and didn’t issue a planning approval. Instead they advised the applicant that he must first apply to the Environment Agency for the permit which would also be needed before any tipping could be carried out. This permit is a more rigorous process and would expose the misinformation which the County Planners had failed to investigate.

The Group are in close contact with the EA but to date no permit application has been made and the time series monitoring needed to support an application has not even been carried out. It is currently unclear whether or not the tipping scheme will be progressed. However, if a permit application were to be made it would be publicised locally and representations could be made to the EA. The County Council would also need to reconsider their previous decision and again representations could also be made. John Sloane

Lancashire Police

“In The Know” Messaging system offers you the means to receive information from the police and other agencies in the County which suit your preferences for content, locality  and means of communication. It is a free service and there are no contracts, costs or obligations of any kind.

How do I get involved?

Registration is quick, simple and completely free

You can register here now by clicking on the link below.

How will I receive messages?

You can elect to receive messages by email, or sms text. Members registered to receive only text messages will still receive important information, but not all messages/warnings circulated on the system.

Can I change my mind?

Of course! If you change your mind, you can unsubscribe at any time. It’s your service, your call.

How about Data Protection?

Your personal details will be securely held under the provisions of the Data Protection Act and only the people you want to see your details can see them. They will never be shared with commercial organisations.

Why should I bother?

By registering on the system you can keep in touch with the things that concern you and your community. We would like you to be informed, involved and “In the Know!”

The alert types that are available for members to sign up to are as follows:

  • Business & Retail Crime Alerts
  • Caravan & Campsite Crime Alerts
  • Hotel Crime Alerts
  • Licensed Premises Crime Alerts
  • Local Crime Alerts & Policing Activity
  • Media Alerts (Missing Persons, Emergencies,etc)
  • Rural Crime Alerts (inc. Farm & Equestrian)
  • Place Of Worship Crime Alerts
  • Neighbourhood Watch News
  • Recruitment
  • School & College Crime Alerts
  • Volunteering & Special Constabulary
  • Waterway Crime Alerts (Canals, Rivers, Marinas)

To register:  


Alcoholics Anonymous

Meetings - Meetings have been running for approx 3 years with a regular attendance of 20/25 people. The only requirement for attendance at meetings is a desire to stop drinking. No appointments necessary. For further information contact Harry Richardson, Mobile: 07528 550054

Thursday - Hilldale Village Hall, Chorley Road, Parbold 6;30-7: 30pm

Saturday - The Hut on-the-Hill Parbold 11am-12noon

Sunday - The Hut-on-the-Hill Parbold 2:30-3:45pm

Alzheimer’s Society Outreach Workers

We can arrange to visit you at home or a venue of your choice and provide information, advice and emotional support. We also provide DROP IN SUPPORT GROUPS where you can meet and share your experiences over a cup of coffee as well as enjoy a variety of activities such as arts and crafts, music, games, guest speakers and much more. 

Please note new contact:
Alzheimer's Society Central Lancashire on 01772 788700. Please forward any information to Pam Bolton, email address pam.bolton@alzheimers.org.uk

Drive safely for longer - A free course for drivers aged 65+

This course will help you enhance your practical skills and continue driving safely for as long as possible.

Learn how to stay safe in what is  becoming a challenging driving environment.  Brush up on your observation skills, be better able to cope with themistakes of other road users and address any driving concerns you may have.

The course will be arranged at a time and place that is convenient for you.  the Apporved Driving Instructor will collect you from and return you to your home.

Contact: 01772 536074  Email: www.access@lancashire.gov.uk Web: www.lancashire.gov.uk

Lancashire Community Car Scheme

Operated by Preston Community Transport Ltd. Charity No. 1114100

If you have a car, can spare an hour or so a week and want to assist people in your community, we’d love to hear from you.
Please call Julie on 01772 516208

West Lancashire Carers’ Centre

Certacs House • 10/12 Westgate • Skelmersdale • Lancashire • WN8 8AZ
Tel: 01695 711243      Email: enquiries@westlancscarerscentre.org.uk

If you are looking after someone at home who needs your help due to disability or illness, make sure you contact your local carers’ centre who will be able to provide you with a range of support and advice, including accessing funding.

If you are able to volunteer for a couple of hours a week to support carers, either at the centre or in people’s own homes, (sitting-in service) then call us. Training and expenses provided.

ONEVOICE westlancs

Welcomes parents/carers of a child with a disability or additional needs (with or without a diagnosis). Drop in to our parent-led, friendly groups to share experiences, information, advice and support . The Grove Children’s Centre, Burscough L40 0RZ   12.30-2.30pm on Thursday 25 April

For further information please contact Victoria on 07423 392694 onevoicewl@hotmail.co.uk

Hoscar WWTW

Following last years petition from Parbold residents demanding action to reduce the odours from the Hoscar treatment works there have been a number of meetings between the various parties and progress has been made.

In order to keep the pressure on United Utilities to invest at Hoscar it is important that residents report each and every occasion they experience sewage smells to the odour hotlines.

 WLBC Environmental Health:  01695 577177 or email wwtw.odours@westlancs.gov.uk

United Utilities:  0345 0726 083 office hours and 0345 672 3723 out of office hours

Email United Utilities kcuoperations@uuplc.co.uk

Parbold Parish Council has been working with residents and United Utilities to reduce the odours from the Hoscar treatment plant. In an effort to improve the reporting system United Utilities now have a direct email link which allows them to see every complaint in real time.  Could residents use it each and every time they experience offensive odours.


If you want a regular update on progress please email Parbold resident paulquirk@aol.com and he will add you to his mailing list.

Lancashire Fire and Rescue service

Community Fire Safety Practitioner. Telephone 01695 723853 or email shelleygregory@lancsfirerescue.org.uk

Promote Free Home Fire Safety Checks

Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service offer free Home Fire Safety Checks to every householder in the county. These checks involve a crew visiting your home and giving fire safety advice, as well as fitting smoke alarms where necessary. Any resident within Lancashire can request one and they are completely free of charge. The Home Fire Safety Checks include:

  • Providing and install FREE 10-year smoke alarms where necessary.
  • Giving life saving advice in the event of a fire in your home.
  • How to make a fire escape plan for you and your family.
  • Practical advice on identifying fire hazards in the home.

All Home Fire Safety Checks are carried out by employees of Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service who will show identification when they arrive. To book a free Home Fire Safety Check, please contact us by calling Freephone 0800 169 1125 or visit www.lancsfirerescue.org.uk.

The Community Fire Safety Team are available to deliver Fire Safety advice to groups.  If you would like further information or to book this, contact Shelley Gregory at the CFS Team on 07920291869.

Community Fire Safety Practitioner. Telephone 01695 723853 or email shelleygregory@lancsfirerescue.org.uk

Age UK

Have a new handyman initiative.  Working with Lancashire County Council it has launched a scheme called HandyVan, aimed at older people in the district.  It offers fitted carbon monoxide alarms, door chains, window locks, mortice locks and door viewers.

Dennis Jones, HandyVan man for the district will also undertake small home improvement jobs for the price of the materials.

For more information tel: 01255 473999 or see www.ageuk.org.uk

UpHolland Tawd Vale Lions

UpHolland Tawd Vale Lions are seeking donations of second-hand furniture, household goods, ornaments and toys for resale at their “Lions Den” Charity Shop in Skelmersdale. 

Phone Chris Lawn 01257 462283 to arrange collection (Charity No. 1109274)

Douglas Valley Lions Club


Douglas Valley Lions Club have signed an agreement with the Canal & River Trust (which was British Waterways and is now a charity) to adopt a 2 mile length of the Leeds & Liverpool Canal.

The agreement is for 12months and Lions members will pick up litter on a length of the Leeds & Liverpool Canal from the Appley Bridge road bridge to the Parbold road bridge.

Lions members will be supplied with High visibility waistcoats, litter pickers and bin bags and they will walk the section at least once a month picking up litter from the bank and reporting any problems.

At the start and finish of the length there will be a notice showing the Lions Logo and information for the public.

As the project becomes established Lions hope to co-operate with Canal & River Trust and local communities on projects such as re-painting railings and fences, etc. making the canal area a better environment for the public with materials and supervision being provided by Canal & River Trust.

Information on volunteering and the Canals in general can be found at:www.canalrivertrust.org.uk or by ringing 03030404040  Douglas Valley Lions can be contacted on 0845 8335739 or at www.lionsmd105.org




(Not for profit community interest company)
Based in Skelmersdale - will collect FREE of charge any unwanted, re-usable items of furniture.  This will then be made available for sale at their showroom at:

17 Gladden Place, West Gillibrands, Skelmersdale WN8 9SX

OPENING HOURS: Mon - Fri 9 - 4 Saturday 10 - 4

For more information see www.exselcic.com Tel: 01695 557 230

Blood Donors

To book an appointment visit www.blood.co.uk or phone 0300 123 2323

Broadband deals in Parbold.

This comprehensive broadband price comparison service covering the UK’s top providers can help you find the providers available at your postcode: http://www.choose.net/media/




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