Useful Contacts

Organisation / Business
(In Alphabetical Order)
Contact Assume STD Code is 01257
(unless otherwise stated)
Active Tots Soccer Mark Bailey 07800 957612
Alzheimer's Society   01772 788700
Agricultural Discussion Group   01704 822455
Alcoholics Anonymous Harry Richardson 07528 550054
Badminton Chris Hiley


Baby and Toddler Group Nicola Willson 07894 825438
Baby Photo UK Sarah Glynn 07725300177
Babyyogis Kim Atkinson 07816 520554
Blood Donors Bev Caldwell 0300 123 23 23 
Boot Camp Fitness Michaela 07812 062220
Brownies (Wed) Sandy Smith 463407
Burscough Racquet & Fitness Centre   01704 895226
Cat Sitting Service Jill Bailey 07518 420584
Christ Church, Parbold  general enquiries 07399 146281
Community Cars West Lancs Dial a Ride 01704 893373
Cubs, Hut on the Hill
Wolf Cubs, Parbold Academy Steve Hannah  07774 475054
CVS Funding Advice Service  Vicky Attwood  07598 552 949
Douglas Music Glenys Baulsh 01772386682
Douglas Music boxoffice   498452
Douglas Valley Lions Club Keith Rudd 462459
Douglas Valley Outreach Janet decamp 07845 493389
Douglas Valley Creative Stitchers  Sue Chisnall-Sumner  01772 461714
Explorer scouts Steh Broadbent
FC Parma Steve Morgan 463772
First Responders Alan Rudge 462167
Folk Club  Mark Dowding/Maggi Huyton 464215
Friends of Parbold Library Maggi Huyton 01257 464215
Funeral Director David Massam 462222
Guides Victoria Duxbury 07770 601887
Happy Baby Yoga (0 - 5) Sam 07731 582581
Hatha Yoga Kathy 07801 922028
Hut on the hill Charles Bithell 01257  464878
Karate Roy 01695 735502
Karate T.S.K.S. Parbold Dave 07591428400
Knit and Natter Anne Pryer 462176
Lancashire County Council (Potholes, street lighting etc.) Web: 0845 0530011 
Lancashire Wellbeing Service E: 03450 138 208
Luncheon Club (PWI) Daphne Gelder 462716
Mackmillan Infomation and Support Service   01695 656533
Mawdesley Cricket Club Chris Hiley 464134
Mawdesley Tennis Club Denise Fox 473313
Mawdesley Village Hall


01704 822309 M:07557818803

Macmillan Info and Support Service  

01695 656533

NCompass (Carers support)  

0345 6887113

Newburgh & Dalton Scouts  Stephen Hannah 

07774 475054 

Newburgh Morris Dancing Barbara Barclay


Newburgh Nomads Wally Coppelov  01695 580955
Newsletter Sue Halton 463703
Noah’s Ark Play Group
Our Lady and All Saints Church Rev. LJR Daley  463248
OLAS Toddler Group Susan McClusky 462466
Our Lady & All Saints Nursery Mr Shaun Kearon,      head teacher 462466
Over 50's Keep fit Daphne Gelder 462716
Parbold Online website Chris Abel 01257 462909
Patchwork and Quilting Michaela Smith 01704 880548
P.W.I. Bookings   07984 274802
Parbold Art Group   01942 211004
Parbold Community Cars   01704 893373
Parbold & Dist Flower Club Eileen Martin

01704 893124

Parbold Dog Training Val Thompson


Parbold Douglas Nursery Nicola Mawdsley


Parbold & Newburgh District Garden Society David Pennington 01704 821984
ParboldSING4FUN Gill Loutit 464460
Parish Council - Clerk Beth Joule

Parbold Evangelical Church, Hilldale


Seth Wrigglesworth

01257 464704

Email :

Parbold residents flood action group

Ros Wess


Parbold Library Jayne, Claire or Susan 0300 123 6703
Parbold Picture House   463878
Parbold Surgery   01257 440817 (new number)
Patchwork and Quilting Michaela Smith 01704 880548.
PCA secretary/Newsletter Sue Halton 463703
Parbold Ramblers Carole Fishwick 01257 472329
Parbold Wildlife Group Maggi Huyton 464215
Pharmacy   462277
Pilates Trish 07896 359175
Pink Panthers Running Club (Ladies) Jane Warner
Police   101 or 0845 1 25 35 45
PWI Bookings   07984 274802
PWI Membership Eileen Collins 462118
Rainbows (Wed)
Rainbows (Tue) Julie Jones 464247
Red Lion Railway Circle John Sloane 462641
Red Lion Hotel, Newburgh   462336
Richard Durnings Nursery Gill Lomax 462968
Richard Durnings Pre-School Catherine Hodgson 462968
Rock and Learn Harriet Gore 01772 796185
Safe Trader Scheme   0303 333 1111
Scouts David Cast 07854 266991
Scouts, Newburgh Stephen Hannah 07774 475054
St Vincent de Paul Charity Charles Reilly 462391
Seated Exercise Group Chris Burrows 427038
Sing4Fun Joe MacRae 07753 628752
Skem North JFC Peter Glatzel 463490
Skem Cricket Club Juniors Ged Tromp 07960 495573
Slimming World Carol Littler 07854 252501/01695 340140
Tai Chi   07450 954900
Talking Pictures Tessa Rowe 463493
The Friends of Parbold Station John Sloane 462641
TSKS Parbold ShotokanKarate Dave 07437 590450
u3a Peter Bennett 463320
Upholland Tawd Vale Lions Chris Lawn 462283
Village Hall answer phone   463878
Village Hall. Hiring and Bookings Sue Halton 463703
Village Hall Caretaker Sue Halton 463703
West Lancs Carers Marion Radford 01695 711243
West Lancs CVS   01695 733737
Wild1's Sunday Social Jo Wild 07834 594517
Wolf Cubs and Scouts Linda Ashcroft 464122
Yoga Maia  singleton 07827 854353
Yoga (Hatha) Kathy Bradley 07801 922028
Zumba (Mon) Louise 0792 0281935

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