Welcome to the Parbold Community Website

Parbold is a small township in West Lancashire, situated 4 miles from Junction 27 of the M6.  It can also be accessed via the regular rail service which runs between Wigan and Southport. The name Parbold is drawn from Old English and means the "Pear Orchard".  Its’ name still reflects its’ quiet and rural atmosphere. Nestled in the countryside of West Lancashire, the area around Parbold is full of beautiful views, quaint villages, and plenty of great places to visit and eat out. The village of Parbold is in the valley of the River Douglas and with the Leeds Liverpool canal passing close to the town centre.

Dominating the area is Parbold Hill where a little below its summit is a monument that was originally erected to commemorate the Reform Bill of 1832 and it is unusual as it is somewhat bottle shaped, known locally as Parbold Bottle. From here though the views are splendid and the more energetic can take advantage of the myriad of pathways and walks that are well signed to appreciate the incredible scenery. Parbold has plenty to offer both the resident and visitor, the canal is popular with anglers and ramblers whilst the village boasts a number of good pubs and local shops. With two churches, primary schools and other facilities it is easy to appreciate why Parbold is such a popular location.

This website will show you all that's happening in Parbold and the latest news on our village community and events.  This website has been created specifically for residents and visitors of Parbold and surrounding villages to create an electronic hub for all that happens in our beautiful village.

We are on facebook. If you have any information or details of forthcoming events and wish to have them published, do contact us.

News and What's On 

Lancashire County Council is our Lead Local Flood Authority

If there is an immediate risk to your life or you are trapped by floodwater call 999 and follow their advice.

Environment Agency Floodline - 0345 988 1188 - To report a flood or if your property is at risk of flooding from a

reservoir, river or coastal water.

United Utilities - 0345 6723 723 - If flooding is from sewers or burst water mains.

Lancashire County Council telephone: 0300 123 6780

West Lancashire Borough Council Tel: 01695 577177


As soon as possible notify WLBC including the location of the site and the issues it is causing. Please call 01695 577177, to report emergencies. Private drains, Floods caused by private drains are the responsibility of the homeowner.

Need to Print Something?

The following printing services are available in the library:

From a library computer

Once you're logged in, simply print as you usually would.

You will be given a price and further instructions once you're sending an item to print.

From your own smartphone, laptop or tablet at home or anywhere else

On your device, go to:


Full instructions are provided for submitting, paying for and retrieving your print job.

Parbold Village Show 2025 (Update)

A whole weekend of entertainment for Parbold! The volunteer team of Parbold Village Show are working hard to bring you a fantastic weekend in July, so please put these dates in your diary! A whole weekend of entertainment for Parbold!

The volunteer team of Parbold Village Show are working hard to bring you a fantastic weekend in July, so please put these dates in your diary!

Friday 11th July Saturday 12th July Sunday 13th July

Friday Night Family Disco The Village Show Sunday Sessions

The disco will be rockin’ for the kids, and the bar will be open for the adults..

The traditional show you all know and love. Celebrating 250 Years of Parbold’s Canal Heritage

Sunday on the field brings different vibes. music, flag football (for the kids), food and drink.

Stallholder applications are now open – please visit https://parboldvillageshow.com/stallholders/ to apply.

SHOW TENT - This year we’d love to see a massive effort from the village in terms of Show Tent entries. We’d also love to hear your views on what would encourage you to submit an entry (email showtent@parboldvillageshow.com). The Show Tent goes right back to 1875 and we want every aspect of it to be every bit as good now as your great grandma would have remembered it then. Please follow us on Facebook @ParboldShow and see out website www.parboldvillageshow.com for info and updates.

Please follow us on Facebook @ParboldShow and see out website www.parboldvillaqeshow.com for info and updates.

Polite Notice - Our Lady and All Saints Church are very happy to share their grounds with pedestrians. However, whilst the majority of dog walkers take responsibility for their animal, there are also many that don’t, with an increasing number of dogs not on a lead, or on an extended lead fouling, damaging the grass, and creating a mess on the paths. The grounds are kept in such good condition due to the generosity of volunteers who maintain them. If we were to lose the volunteers due to such anti-social behaviour, we could not afford to maintain the grounds to the current standard. This would be a loss for everyone.

Recently, the parish council printed: “Our Lady and All Saints church has been highly commended for being one of the best maintained.......grounds that the judges have ever visited. The judges thought that huge credit should go to the grounds staff for creating such a village gem.” We ask that all owners keep their dog on a short lead at all times and don’t allow them on the grass. Owners must clean up after their pets. Thank you for your support and understanding.

Talking Pictures – Spring Season 2025

Every Wednesday at 2.00 p.m. Film and Conversation. Contact Chris on 01257 463493. Spring Season starts on Wed 10th January

Dance Like a Mother Class at the WI from next Tuesday 10th September. 

Weekly 10am-11am at the Parbold Women's Institute. 

It's a Babywearing Dance class for Mums, Dads, Grans, Carers (everyone is welcome) and their babies.

For more information Contact: Charlie on 07805833546.

Website: www.dancelikeamother.com  

New Yoga Classes

Starting from 27 January 2025 Every Monday evening at 7:45pm

60 minutes of slow flow yoga suitable for all levels including beginners

£9 per class. 4 class bundle £30 at Parbold Village Hall The Green, Parbold, WN8 7DN

Book directly with Jane via text or WhatsApp on 07941568594

Scottish Country Dancing New Season 2024/25 Adult Beginner’s Class 6th October to Easter

Sundays 2.30 - 4.30pm at Euxton Parish Church Community Centre, School Lane, Euxton.

£3 per session, cup of tea and a biscuit, 1st lesson free!

Partners and special clothing not required, come just as you are! Sensible footwear advised.

Come and join us for fun & fitness

For directions and more info contact Joan on: 01257 278400 07971 589115 www.ribblevalleyrscds.org 

Facebook: Ribble Valley RSCDS.

RSCDS Ribble Valley Branch Charity No 1061492

NHS. OWLS - Enhanced Health Checks coming to Parbold Village Hall every Monday from 17th June

Cholesterol Checks Diabetes Check Blood Pressure Check Blood screening Weight Management & Mental Health Support Financial Health Check Signposting & Referrals. Contact 01695 660394 Iscicb-wl.ehcowls@nhs.net


Users of the station may have noticed that a large new planter and a pear tree have now been placed there by The Friends of Parbold Station. These have been funded by the Ralph Brocklehurst Legacy Trust administered on behalf of the P.J. Livesey Group, the developers of the Notre Dame Convent site, and The Friends are most grateful to the Trust for their generous funding. Besides adding to the existing station planting the funding from the Trust has also enabled a pear tree to be planted as a reminder of the origin of the name Parbold which in Old English meant "pear orchard" or "the place where pears grow".

Proposed war memorial for Parbold

Dear Neighbours, we are writing this letter to seek your views on a proposal to establish a public war memorial in our village to honour those who have served and sacrificed for our country. The idea for a public war memorial was brought up after looking into the updated Rolls of Honour Books by Richard Houghton held at the Parbold Library. From this a group of local residents have formed a small committee who feel that it would be a fitting tribute to the brave men from our community who have served in the armed forces. A war memorial would not only honour their memory but serve as a place for reflection and remembrance for future generations. A war memorial could become a central part of our village providing a place for annual remembrance ceremonies and a quiet spot for personal reflection. It would also enhance our village historical and cultural heritage. As Bispham Dalton & Hilldale have no village war memorial we have contacted the Parish councils to see if the villages wish to join with us on our proposed memorial. We value your opinions and would love to hear your thoughts on this proposal. Do you support the idea of a war memorial? Do you have any suggestions on its design or location? Are there any concerns you would like to raise. Please share your feedback by e-mail parboldmem@gmail.com or dropping a note in suggestion boxes at the Library or the Village Hall also the DIY Shop. Thank you for taking the time to consider this important proposal your input is invaluable to us and we look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Warm regards PARBOLD MEMORIAL GROUP, Group secretary

Parbold Community Association are a small committee who look after the day to day running at the hall. We also sponsor Parbold Picture House, Talking Pictures and run regular coffee mornings and lunches. We are always on the look out for new volunteers. Can you spare a couple of hours a month or could you support The committee by providing us with feedback on things we could do to improve the services we offer to the village? If you feel you can help in anyway please contact: Roger Perry (Chairman) Roger.joeking@gmail.com or Sue Halton (Treasurer) suehalton10@gmail.com

Parbold Village Hall was opened on the 15th February 1995 making this year our 30th anniversary.

Do you know how many activities we have to offer to everyone in the village? These range from Fitness Classes to Music Concerts, Karate to Flower Demonstrations, Pilates & Yoga to our award winning Picture House!

The hall suffered, like most organisations, during Covid but we are now slowly getting back on track and are vision for the future is exciting we are looking forward to taking the hall into the next decade and beyond.

Parbold Community Association has been responsible for the day to day running of the hall over the last 30 years. The success of the hall is down to the hard work and dedication of a few volunteers. Our volunteers are responsible for our fortnightly cinema, Talking Pictures, coffee mornings, lunch clubs and Bridge. In order to keep this vital asset new community volunteers are always needed.

Please make 2025 the year you come and join us.

If you are interested in volunteering please contact Sue Halton on 01257 463703 or e-mail suehalton10@gmail.com

Parbold Village Hall is available to hire for meetings, celebrations and children's parties. For more info contact Booking Secretary suehalton10@gmail.com 01257 463703 answerphone available.

South West Lancashire Independent Community Advice Network


Join our FREE Short Course

Would you like to get financially fitter?

•    Are you facing challenges or struggling with the increasing cost of living?

•    Maybe you are paying too much for your Water Rates?

•    Can you get a cheaper deal for your Utilities?

•    Do you want to learn how to take control of your debts or even have them written off!!

Tuesdays: 12.30pm to 2.30pm
at The Ecumenical Centre, Skelmersdale, WN8 6LU. Also a drop in service at Parbold Village Hall on Wednesdays 10am - 12 noon however they will make appointments if needed.

11th June 2024 - Introduction to Household Management

18th June 2024 - Setting a Budget

25th June 2024 - Utilities - How to make savings

2nd July 2024 - Financial Security and Recap-Where to go for Advice

FREE courses for West Lancashire Residents

To find out more or to register: Tel: 01695  726269 or E-mail: admin@swlican.org Or go to https://swlican.org/courses.php Apply online using https://rb.gy/jmgblj

New Year – New Volunteering?

Do you have an hour or two spare every week? Would you like to give back to your local community?

Lancashire Volunteer Partnership is always on the lookout for volunteers to support a wide variety of settings within West Lancashire. We provide volunteers in Libraries, Homes for Older People, Adult Disability Day Centres and Children and Young People's Centres.

We also provide a Community Support Befriending service for lonely and vulnerable people of all ages. Our volunteers visit their clients on a weekly basis to provide meaningful conversations and an opportunity to access the community. This service makes a huge difference in many people's lives. We have several people in West Lancashire looking for volunteer support. Could YOU be the person to provide this vital service?

If you would like more information on this or want to discuss volunteering opportunities in your area, you can ring Dave Warren, the volunteer officer for West Lancashire, at 07958156850 or our central helpline at 01772 532312.

The Trusselltrust. Food Bank 

Can we start by saying a huge thank you to every single person who donates and helps at the foodbank we are so very grateful. We are really busy at the moment. We are absolutely grateful for anything that can be spared. Please spread the word our drop off times at Parbold Village Flail are: Mondays 10am - 4pm,

Wednesday 10am -12 noon, Thursday 10am - 12 noon & 3pm - 7.30pm. Thank you for your continued support!

Contact details: Email: Burscough@skelmersdalefoodbank.orq.uk Facebook: Parbold Village Group Skelmersdale & District food bank

Lose Weight & Feel Great At Parbold Library!

New Course starting soon! Tuesday’s 10-11am - Cost: FREE Average weight loss 8-10lbs in 7 weeks!

Face to Face Weight Management Courses Duration - 7 weeks (this includes a 'one to one' session wk1. and wk.7)

Examples of session content include: portion control, food labelling, making right choices, fats, sugars, etc.

For more information/to book onto a course, please contact:

Email: craig.baxter@serco.com Tel: 01695 585145  www.westlancs.gov.uk Lancashire County Council

Parbold Coffee Association Next dates: 11th & 25th February 2025 - Come along to our coffee/tea mornings at Parbold Village Hall. We will be serving toast, tea cakes, crumpets and of course cake!! A place to meet and have a chat everyone’s welcome. 

Play Bridge: Starting in April, Parbold Village Hall Studio, Thursday’s 10am – 12 noon. Open to all, experienced or beginners, pairs or singles. Text Tessa 07854 285191 or Carole 07943 551468

The Monday Movers This exercise class in the WI Hall on Mondays from 11.15 – 12.15                                                        Everyone welcome – improve your stamina, strength, balance, co-ordination and much more.  Exercises involve sitting and standing. Phone 01257 422238 for more details.  £5 per class

Parbold Pink Panthers - Friendly inclusive running club for women of all ages and fitness levels. Local club runs twice a week. For further details contact Jane Warner iane.warner29@qmail.com

Bikini-Body Bootcamp at Parbold Village Hall - Brand new Monday night session at 6.30pm, “burn” is a combo of weights and cardio giving you a huge calorie burn. Other sessions include Monday 9.30am hiit, Wednesday 9.30am weights and Friday 9.30am burn. No need to book, just turn up. Each session costs £6 or monthly plans for unlimited sessions available for just £42. Please contact Michaela for more info or check out the Facebook page Bikini-Body Bootcamp. contact Michaela 07812 060002                                                            

Lancashire Volunteer Partnership - We are seeking volunteers in the Parbold and Newburgh area to befriend people who are experiencing loneliness. Our befrienders can offer either telephone conversation or arrange visits, perhaps to the persons home or to a cafe or library, some of our volunteers offer a mix of telephone and visiting support. More information is available on our website https://lancsvp.org.uk/ or call Dave Warren, the volunteer officer for West Lancashire, at 07958156850 or our central helpline at 01772 532312.

Bloom Baby Classes (baby development and sensory classes) at Parbold WI Hall on Thursdays
Busy Bees for babies aged 5/6 months to 14 months at 9:45am
Caterpillar Club for babies aged 6 weeks to 5/6 months at 11:00am
Book at www.bookwhen.com/bloomsthelenswigan or find out more via our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/bloomsthelensandwigan/ or contact me at rachelm@bloombabyclasses.com

March Events 2025 at Parbold Library

History of Lancashire Women 1840-1960 - Thursday 13th March 9.30 am – 12 noon. Come long to find out more at this session run by Lancashire Adult Learning. Booking required.

Healthwatch - Women’s Health Drop-in - Friday 14th March 9 am – 12 noon. Share you experience on mental health, menopause and gynaecology health and suggest any improvements you feel could be made.

Will Writing and Power of Attorney Talk - Friday 14th March 2-3 pm Come along to this informative talk by Age UK to find out more.  Booking required.

NHS Health Checks - Thursday 20th March 10 am – 4 pm Checks are available for anyone aged between 40-74 years who doesn’t have an existing cardiovascular disease and hasn’t had a check in the last 5 years. Just drop in.

Little Steps - Wednesday 26th March 9:30 – 10:30 am Stories, crafts and games. Suitable for children aged 2 – 4. No booking required.

Make your own Spring crafts - Thursday 27th March 9:30 am to 12:00 noon. Make a Spring themed card and decoration in this session provided by Lancashire Adults Learning. Booking required.

WorkWell Drop-in Session with 'The NEST' - Thursday 27th March 10.30am – 1.30 pm. Dedicated Work and Health Coaches can help you create a tailored plan to overcome challenges and achieve your goals. More information is available on Lancashire Libraries Events page (see link below)

Information on other regular events can be found on the Lancashire Libraries website www.lancashire.gov.uk/libraries-and-archives under the Events section.  Booking can also be made on this website.

Parbold Library, Cultural Services, Lancashire County Council, T: 03001236703, W: www.lancashire.gov.uk

Information on all events and booking forms (where necessary) can be found at - https://bit.ly/3AHgfxi  

Need to Print Something? The following printing services are available in the library: From a library computer. Once you're logged in, simply print as you usually would. You will be given a price and further instructions once you're sending an item to print. From your own smartphone, laptop or tablet at home or anywhere else On your device, go to: https://bookvourpc.lancashire.gov.uk/netloan/

Full instructions are provided for submitting, paying for and retrieving your print job.

All our regular and special events are listed on the Lancashire Libraries website - http://www.lancashire.gov.uk/libraries in the Events section - What’s On. Parbold Library, Cultural Services, T: 03001236703, W: www.lancashire.gov.uk

New Regular Event

Councillor Surgery - First Saturday of every month 12:00pm to 1:00pm. Drop in to speak to Councillor Robert Bailey of West Lancs Borough Council. Residents are welcome to attend if they have any matters that they would like to discuss or bring to the Councillor's attention.

Other Regular Library Events are posted on https://www.parboldonline.info

Build and Play - Every second Wednesday of the month 9:30-10:30am. Bring your little ones along for building fun with Mega Bloks and Duplo. 

Baby Bounce and Rhyme – Every Friday 9:30-10am. Enjoy lively sing-along songs, gentle movements, and rhymes with your baby, plus meet and chat with other parents and carers. Suitable for babies up to around 18 months of age, but older pre-school siblings are very welcome.

Library Club – Every Friday 3:45-4:30pm. 
Come along to our Library Club every week to share a range of exciting books and fun themed activities.
Drop in after school for a warm welcome. Suitable for children of primary school age.

Lego Club – First Saturday of every month 10:30am-11:30am. Calling all master builders and Lego enthusiasts! Come and share your passion and amazing creations at our Lego Club.

Book and a Brew – First Wednesday of every month 10:30-11:30am. Share your love of reading in a relaxed space with a brew. Take advantage of the opportunity to discuss any of your recent reads with other avid readers.

Monthly Coffee Morning – Every third Wednesday of the month 10:30am-11:30am. Join us for our monthly coffee morning where local community groups and organisations are often on hand for a chat. Enjoy free refreshments and meet members of your community in a friendly space whilst borrowing a book or two!

Poetry Group – Every third Thursday of the month 10:30am-12:00pm. Do you enjoy poetry? Come along to our poetry group to read and or listen to poems of your choice.

Get Online at Your Library Fridays 2-3 pm. Support available for using computers and mobile devices.  Booking required via library staff.

Seated Yoga Tuesdays 1.30 – 2.15 pm. There are a few places available for this weekly class (term-time only) £3 per session.  Booking required via library staff.

Further information on all of our events is available on the Lancashire Libraries website in the 'What's On' section – www.lancashire.gov.uk/libraries

Library Opening Hours

Monday               Closed

Tuesday               9:00 – 5:00

Wednesday        9:00 – 1:00

Thursday             9:00 – 7:00

Friday                    9:00 – 5:00

Saturday              9:00 – 1:00

Just a reminder that the Library is closed from 9:00 – 10:00 the 1st Wednesday of every month for staff training.

Please contact the library on 0300 123 6703 or e-mail parbold.library@lancashire.gov.uk

More information on all of our library events is available on What's On. This is part of the Lancashire County Council website.  The link for events at Parbold Library is:-


or www.parboldonline.info

Mawdesley u3a Art Group will be showcasing their work at an exhibition at Avant Garden Centre, Leyland, during the whole of March and April '25. There will be a wide range of subject matter, media, and styles on display, with works priced to suit all pockets. For further details contact Norman on 07813-513209. Do come along and enjoy our work.

Parbold Evangelical Church Youth Club

Fridays: 7:30 - 9:00pm (fortnightly) Year 6 upwards £1.50 entry

Drinks and quality food and snacks provided. Christian themes discussed & guest speakers
Games - including: table tennis, pool, table football, air hockey, darts and more.

Competitions - including: limbo, volley ball, tug o' war, rounders etc.

Quizzes and crazy games
Special themed nights such as movie nights.

Lots of fun

For more information, including date of next session, contact David Taylor on: 07786 401121

At the Wl in Parbold.

The monthly meeting of the Parbold Wl will take place in the hall on Tuesday 4 February 2025 at 7.30pm. The speaker this month will be Melissa Sinden Gray, whose talk will be entitled “David Bowie: Before the Glitter”. Visitors and prospective new members are welcome.

Upcoming events - The Wl will be hosting our annual Pancake Day celebration on Tuesday 4 March 2025, in the Wl Hall, from 10.30am to 12.30pm. Pancakes will be served with a variety of toppings. All welcome.

If you wish to book the hall, it is available for weekly sessions for classes or for private parties. Please contact Sylvia at svlvia.iwriqht@btinternet.com or ring the PWI booking line on 07984 274802.

Beginners/ Intermediate Pilates Fridays 5 - 6 pm £8 or £35 for 6 classes.

Contact Holly on 07789 717414 , hollvmountainfitness@gmail.com

Relax and Rejuvenate. Follow me on facebook or get in touch to find out more details.

Rainbows small world play craft club

Parbold Women's Institute Hall, WN6 7NU. Session runs from 9.30 - 10.30am

Thyme on Yarrow Cafe in Croston. PR26 9RB.

Choose the venue and number of activities you wish to book. Discount available if you wish to book both craft and play dough activity.

Sessions can be booked In advance on https://rainbowssmallworld.pembee.app

Please get in touch for more information. Emma Morris 07901 557003

Parbold Parish Council Notes - Please click here to see current Parish Council Notes. 

Parbold Flood Group – contacts

Please note the information below, it is very important you need to know what to do in an emergency. If you live alongside a brook and you see any rubbish/garden waste that could fall in please go to www.westlancs.gov.uk follow the link for fly tipping as it could cause flooding. Ask contractors on your property to remove waste safely not into the gullies. If you are in an area that is higher up and does not flood please clear any leaves from the blocked grids/gullies as water will always find the lowest level. Go to www.lancashire.gov.uk – Click on1) Report a highway fault. 2) blocked drain/gullies, send any photographs, follow the link. To report Property/Garage/ Garden flooding go to highways@lancashire.gov.uk To receive flood warnings: www.gov.uk/sign-up-for-flood-warnings and enter your Post Code or Parbold. Vision Link Cameras adjacent to the railway line www.vision-link.co.uk/parbold/ the pairing code is 462909. The Flood Hub www.thefloodhub.co.uk contains a wealth of information including KS2 for children. parboldfloodgroup@outlook.com Take care, stay safe. Ros Wess


Around 1,500 premises can now order fibre to the premise as network upgraded by Openreach

Openreach engineers have built a new faster, more reliable and futureproof broadband network in Parbold and Newburgh. Around 1,500 homes and businesses can now access this new network with more in the vicinity to follow. It is known as Fibre-to-the-Premises technology (FTTP) or full fibre  as it delivers fibre optic cables all the way from the local exchange right to residents and businesses front doors.

It’s a once-in-a-generation upgrade that will enable people to connect to any platform or device, to each other, and to the world – reliably, for decades to come.

How can I find out if full fibre is available in my area?

The first step is to use our fibre checker to see if fibre is available in your street: www.openreach.co.uk/fibrecheckerpr

Just enter your postcode and the fibre checker will tell you what’s available in your area.

Once available, the next step is to choose the company you’d like to supply your internet. Then you should contact them to order your chosen broadband package.  It’s important to point out though that you won’t be automatically upgraded, and you’ll need to get in touch with your broadband provider to see if it offers a service over the new network.

If you’re not currently in scope, you can register your interest on our “Expression of Interest” tool.  It’s part of our fibre checker – once you’ve entered your postcode and found your address, just scroll down to “Register Your Interest” then enter your personal details so that we can see that you’re interested in full fibre. 


NHS West Lancashire CCG have published a number of resources people can access for free.

Active West Lancs will resume its programme of health activities when it is appropriate to do so. Keep an eye on the Active West Lancs website https://activewestlancs.org/ for any online activities and courses it may run in the near future. In the meantime the Sport England website has some great exercise tips and advice https://www.sportengland.org/stayinworkout

Home Library Service – If you enjoy reading but struggle to get to the Library because of ill health or mobility problems, then the Library can bring the service to your home.  For more information contact the Library on 0300 123 6703 and ask for Parbold Library. Alternatively, e-mail parbold.library@lancashire.gov.uk

Message from John Halton Pharmacy. To our much-valued customers, Due to a huge surge in demand for our services, please give us longer to dispense your prescription than you usually would. If you need your medication urgently, please call us and we will be happy to assist you.

We would strongly encourage anyone to please get in touch with their relatives in the village, friends or neighbours who are over 70, to offer to collect their prescriptions from us.

We do have a delivery service, but currently need to reserve capacity for those who have a diagnosis of corona virus or are normally housebound.

We thank you for your patience and your custom during this very difficult time.

Photographic Memories of Parbold

If you have any photos of Parbold, for any period e.g. Street views, old or new buildings, School photos etc. Please get in touch with Parbold Library, 0300 123 6730, who will arrange for them to be copied and used in the Library archives.

The Friends of Parbold Station are a local voluntary group who carry out enhancements at the station including planting, hanging baskets, seasonal decoration and the construction of planting boxes and welcome signs. We also arranged for the recently erected village map to screen the ugly bike shelter. Funding for our work has come from several sources including Northern, the Douglas Valley Lions, and the Association of Community Rail Partnerships. The contact for the group is John Sloane on 01257 462641.

Showcasing Parbold Station: This month (Feb. 2024) Ray Thaw's photographic exhibition will move from the Southport Platform to Hoscar Station. It will be replaced by a display by local artist David Barrow. Why not visit both? Friends of Parbold Station as well as keeping our station green and tidy are responsible for two other cases courtesy of Community Rail. One case is for the History Poster and the other usually contains this newsletter in a larger font. Friends of Parbold Station.

Your local not for profit community choir, Sing4Fun! are starting a new choir for children aged 8-18 / Yr3- Yr13; Sing4Fun!Youth Monday 5.30-6.30: Our Ladies and All Saints School, WN8 7HB Contact: s4fvouth@gmail.com/ www.s4fyouth.wixsite.com/mvsite / 07753 628752. 1st session free, normally £3.00 pay as you go. 

UPHOLLAND TAWD VALE LIONS are seeking donations of second-hand furniture, household goods, ornaments and toys for resale at the ‘Lions’ Den’ Charity Shop in Skelmersdale. Contact Chris Lawn on 01257 462283 to arrange collection.

Community Cars are for any journey when you can't use the bus. For door to door journeys call 01704 893373. 

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